Having a little trouble with your room arrangement?
Here's your solution!
It's easy to get a quick WIN with just a few simple furniture arrangement changes. But, if you have a tricky floor plan (which includes an open floor plan) it's easy to get frustrated when trying to figure out the best arrangement.
I'm certainly not going to leave you stuck in step 1.
If you'd like a jumpstart to get your furniture arrangement just right once and for all, here's your chance!
Creating the right feel, function and flow in your room starts with the right furniture arrangement.
Let's get you there - TODAY!
Get my Floor Plan Bundle and follow these 4 steps:
STEP # 1
View all 7 floor plans.
STEP # 2
Select the one most like yours.
STEP # 3
Rearrange your furniture using the example.
STEP # 4
Sit back and enjoy your new space!
Get my Floor Plan Bundle for ONLY $17!
(Pssst..the value of one personalized floor plan is $397. This really is an amazing offer).
My Floor Plan Bundle Includes 7 of my most challenging room arrangements.
- Floor Plan view
- 3D Top Down view
- 3D Perspective (360 degree)
You get 3 view of 7 rooms which is 21 views!
(Bonus before and afters included)
PLUS A SPECIAL BONUS to jumpstart your creativity!
Get 4 of my FAVORITE and FABULOUS Design Boards.
- Sophisticated Contemporary
- Rustic Cottage
- Boho Chic
- Modern Farmhouse
Here's a peak of my really cool and amazing floor plan views.